Society for Reliability Engineering Quality and Operations Management

The journal has been running successfully for the last several years to the benefit of Indian researchers.


Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management was formed by Academicians, Researchers and Practitioners in the field of Hardware and Software Reliability, Quality and Operations Management working in Educational Institutions, Research & Development Organizations, Industry and Business.








Years of Experience

We regularly organizes workshops, conferences, Lectures by eminent speakers and other academic activities to promote research and generate awareness in Hardware and Software Reliability, Quality and Infocom Technology and their applications to impart the meaningful exchange of thought

Application of research and practices carried out in these areas are showcased to improve productivity of industry and business in general and the quality of the research & development in particular. It is a unique platform for theoreticians and practitioners to share their ideas and help in enhancing the pace of social development.

Who We Are

Primary aim of the society is to promote research in the areas of Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management. It has been a long standing demand of the society to have an International Journal with in eye on Indian scholars.

To keep that in view the society started a Journal titled "International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management" in the year 2010 published by Springer. Which is one of the most sought-after scientific international journals

  • Established by academics, researchers, and practitioners in reliability, quality, and operations management
  • Organizes workshops, conferences, lectures, and other academic events
  • Promotes research and awareness in reliability, quality, and IT applications
  • Showcases research to improve industry productivity and R&D quality
  • Launched "International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management" in 2010, published by Springer
  • The journal is Scopus Indexed, ESCI, with an Impact Factor of 2.0, benefiting Indian researchers.


All the Event details are updated here


Event Name 1

will be updated soon


Event Name 2

will be updated soon


Event Name 3

will be updated soon